
Hi, this blog is an online record of some of the works I have written. I've started off by sharing some of my poetry and I will also be adding short stories, children books and chapters of novels as I complete them. I have a diverse and general interest in all types of writing and hope to one day see one of my works published.
Please feel free to comment on any of the posts as I am eager for feedback. This is the first time I've ever publicly shared anything I've written and so haven't yet heard any oppinions from others- good or bad. I'd love to hear whether you liked or even hated what you read and what you think are the strengths/weaknesses of any of the pieces. Please do not hold back (although please try not to be needlessly hurtfull! Like I say I'm new to this!)
Above anything else I hope to achieve with this blog, I hope that whoever stumbles across it will enjoy reading one if not all of my works.
Jessica Paul.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Sand Castles and Empty Shells

Days after and I’m still finding grains of sand,
Each little piece is a memo of that time.
They remind me of what has been,
of a day that was yours and mine.
I sit and reminisce;
feel the sand beneath my feet,
the sounds of a rolling tide,
smiles on every face we’d greet.
I built sand castles.
You knocked them down.
You were never as so happy
as when you were playing the clever clown.
But your biggest joke of all,
was to knock down my biggest one,
the one built from dreams,
hopes for what would come.
On the counter there’s a shell
that you picked up off the shore.
You said I’d hear the ocean if I put it to my ear,
but the sound’s not there anymore.
Instead the shell is empty,
just like my heart and home.
Yes, you left me with an empty shell,
and so distraught, I sit alone.

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely beautiful. You have an amazing talent.
