
Hi, this blog is an online record of some of the works I have written. I've started off by sharing some of my poetry and I will also be adding short stories, children books and chapters of novels as I complete them. I have a diverse and general interest in all types of writing and hope to one day see one of my works published.
Please feel free to comment on any of the posts as I am eager for feedback. This is the first time I've ever publicly shared anything I've written and so haven't yet heard any oppinions from others- good or bad. I'd love to hear whether you liked or even hated what you read and what you think are the strengths/weaknesses of any of the pieces. Please do not hold back (although please try not to be needlessly hurtfull! Like I say I'm new to this!)
Above anything else I hope to achieve with this blog, I hope that whoever stumbles across it will enjoy reading one if not all of my works.
Jessica Paul.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

The Craving

You are not perfect, you have your faults.
You’ve many secrets stored in many vaults.
You are too stubborn and too proud.
You voice your opinions far too loud.
You’re convinced of your own authority.
And have never said ‘I’m wrong, I’m sorry’.
Your words can be harsh and quite cruel.
You sometimes make me feel the fool.
No one makes me as mad as you can.
And yet I am your biggest fan.
I crave the compliments you never give
and long for a life with you to live.
I naively pray I’ll see you change
to be the man I want in exchange.
The clichés true, you treat me mean
and as they say, you keep me keen.
I love you more with each passing day
and yet I know, this love won’t stay.
There’s only time before my heart will break
and then endeavour to a fresh start make.

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